TEI’s Mechanical Integrity Services Include:
- API 653, 570, and 510
- In-Line Inspection (ILI)
- Failure Analysis
- Fitness for Service Evaluations
- Forensic Analysis
- Metallurgical Analysis
- PSM Mechanical Integrity Programs
- QA Services – Repairs
- Remaining Life Assessments
- Risk Based Analysis
Trident Engineering and Inspection provides a full range of mechanical integrity services following American Petroleum Institute (API) and Steel Tank Institute (STI) standards for pressure vessels, piping and pipelines, storage tanks, and process equipment.
The key principle of our program is to provide methods and expert services to ensure that equipment is satisfactorily designed, installed, and maintained to prevent system failure. We have highly experienced staff of inspectors, licensed engineers, and non-destructive examination technicians. We have over 20 years of experience performing integrity inspections for Government and Commercial clients.
TEI uses the latest techniques and equipment to gather important information about your systems, perform evaluations, and ensure regulatory compliance is maintained. Our goal is to ensure reliable operations and continued safety with minimum outages and costs.